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Council's 3 year plan – HAVE YOUR SAY

31 December 2014

LB Haringey is facing a 25% cut in funding and has issued a Corporate Plan.  There is a consultation running to 18 January 2015.

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LB Haringey is facing a 25% cut in funding and has issued a Corporate Plan.  There is a consultation running to 18 January 2015.

See the ‘Stronger Haringey’ webpage for further information. 

Haringey Council have included a photograph of someone on a bike on the front cover of their Draft Corporate Plan 2015-2018

We have added some additional notes in red below  – but please spare a few minutes to complete this survey –  tell Haringey Council what you think.

The financial strategy proposals include cost saving (or increased revenue) from (our list, not complete!):-

  • Adult social services cost cutting
  • Changes to services for Young People including Young Offenders
  • Reduced street cleaning
  • Remove all street recycling collection points
  • Close Park View Road Reuse and Recycling Centre (there would only be the Western Road RRC)
  • New way of delivering Highways and Street Lighting Services (less reactive maintenance)
  • Increased enforcement of moving traffic offences
  • Reductions in back office technical and administrative support
  • Planning – Changes to Policy and Practice remove non-statutory consultation
  • Reduce Work on Carbon Reduction by withdrawing support for Community Projects and Initiatives

There is also a new Corporate Plan, restating Haringey’s objectives which will continue to be implemented,

within the new budget limitations.

We propose making comments on the cost cutting and suggestions for amending the Corporate Plan as below – you may wish to use these comments in your own response

You can add your response HERE – deadline is 18th January

Reduced street cleaning-  It is vitally important that the clearing of broken glass and debris from cycle lanes

(and cycle routes generally) is not reduced, as punctures are a major disincentive to cycle use, particularly

among children and adults returning to cycling.

Less reactive maintenance to street lighting-  This should be achieved by using more reliable lighting (eg LED), not

by removing illumination from signs, which is essential for road safety.

Increased enforcement of moving traffic offences-  This is welcome and should include 20mph and ASL enforcement

Reductions in back office technical and administrative support-  Please confirm this will not lead to a reduction in

road planning and engineering staff, as this would inhibit implementation of Corporate Plan Priority 3

Planning – Changes to Policy and Practice remove non-statutory consultation-  Please confirm this will not reduce

consultation with environmental action groups such as ourselves and Living Streets

Haringey Corporate Plan 2015 – 18, Haringey Cycling Campaign’s suggested amendments  are shown in red

Priority 3:

Clean, Green and Safe

A clean and safe borough where people are proud to live

We will make Haringey one of the most cycling and pedestrian friendly boroughs in London.

We will promote and improve cycling and walking, which will include introducing a borough

wide 20mph limit, increasing the network of cycle routes and dedicated cycle lanes and providing a

smarter travel campaign to persuade people to use sustainable modes of transport.



Who will be involved in delivering the objective?

1. The council will work with existing community networks such as Neighbourhood Watch,

Friends of Parks, traders and residents associations to increase their numbers and support

them to take action themselves

2. We will help develop groups such as Environmental, Winter and Cycle Champions and introduce a

network of Young Environmental Champions

Objectives How will we deliver the objective?

Who will be involved in delivering the objective? To move to more sustainable modes of

transport by making Haringey one of the most cycling and pedestrian friendly boroughs in London

1. We will promote and improving cycling and walking in the borough. This will include introducing

a borough-wide 20mph limit, providing more cycle racks, increasing the network of cycle routes and

dedicated cycle lanes, providing more cycle training, improved signage, and safety measures on

priority pedestrian crossings, and launching a smarter travel campaign to change behaviours and

get more people to use sustainable modes of transport.  All road schemes will be assessed for

pedestrian and cycle safety

The council will work with:

1. Cyclists, pedestrians and community groups to further understand their needs and design

solutions together

2. TfL to implement design best practice and to identify funding streams

3. Our highways contractor to implement schemes and maintain quality control

4. Schools to promote the health benefits of cycling and walking

How will we know that we have been successful?

1. More people will be cycling, walking and or

using public transport

2. There will be an improved network of cycle


3. Improved satisfaction with our footways

4. Cycling and walking will be safer

How will we measure success from 2015-2018?

1. Increased network Km coverage for cycling

2. Increase in the number of people who cycle or


Draft cross-cutting themes

A fair and equal borough (Objectives and delivery similar to environmental objectives)

How will we measure success from 2015-2018?

2. Increase in children travelling to school by walking or cycling and an

increase in cycle training in schools

3. A halt in the rise in childhood obesity, especially in those groups with higher rates

Please take the time to add your views – feel free to copy and paste our comments in to your response.