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Minutes of the HCC meeting held at GNRT – Monday 8th April

19 April 2013

AC attended the 1st meeting.  He said the brief is being re-written to put more emphasis on pedestrians.  HCC should record support for present brief.  MP to forward brief to Nick Chitty.  MP said ASL enforcement by LBH could be raised in a future meeting.


Graham Freel

Andrew Rendle

Joff Verby

Nick Chitty

Sally Morshead

Selena Calder

Adam Coffman

Anna Gudaniec

Patrick Field

Michael Poteliakhoff

Apologies: Cllr Toni Mallett, Eliza Kaczynska-Nay

LBH cycling and walking study

AC attended the 1st meeting.  He said the brief is being re-written to put more emphasis on pedestrians.  HCC should record support for present brief.  MP to forward brief to Nick Chitty.  MP said ASL enforcement by LBH could be raised in a future meeting.

Haringey Loop, Consultant’s report

GF said we should ask for North side cycle access direct to St Anne’s Road roundabout.  It was agreed we should ask for the risk assessment on this, but not link it to the loop proposals as these are fundamentally aimed at inexperienced cyclists.  MP will email draft consultant’s document to all present for comments.  MP will send comments and ask for meeting with LBH.

Crouch Hill road safety scheme

MP will give more comment on the pinch point, resurfacing and speed monitoring.

Borough News items for next London Cyclist (deadline Monday 29th April) and Borough Insert

Update on Loop  (Post meeting note- should we give a date for a ride exploring the Loop?)

Further ASL item

Mini guide for good routes

JV will write up E-W route to Lea Valley

West Green Triangle progress? (also Tottenham Hale?)

MP will ask for update on progress with signing etc.

Rides/British Cycling Partnership (15th April 2013 09.30-12.00 Haringey Civic Centre Committee Room 1)

AC will talk to Edwin Leigh about HCC involvement.  (Post meeting note- AC confirms notification was for information)

It was agreed a ride exploring the Loop would be good.  AR and SM could help organise HCC rides.


AC will chase up the proposal for cycle ramps at Hornsey Station.

PF will write a web site contribution on using ASL’s.

PF suggested we buy a trailer for £200 with a good number of hitches.  It was agreed PF will buy.

April meeting in action – Crisps, maps and plans, followed by Tomos Pizza!